BREVARD 2023-2024 Courses 

Class fees: $350 for High School, $300 Middle School and Elementary per class

$50 deposit per class due to complete registration

Classes will be held at Enon Baptist Church. *See map*

Click the button below to register for classes at IGNITE Brevard!


Small Group Reading Tutoring

A. Mohammed

Theater 101

A. Hutcher

10:30am- 12:00pm


What are our students saying??

"Getting to be with kids my age and having teachers that are actively helping us achieve our best is my favorite thing. My most enjoyable assignment with IGNITE is the scene stealer with other kids in Literature class. I am thankful to have learned the Bill of Right's true, practical, and ethical meaning along with other founding subjects. I am looking forward to Chemistry next year!"

"My favorite thing about IGNITE is that I get to learn and see my friends simultaneously. The most enjoyable assignment that I've worked on has been the Huckleberry Finn approach paper. I've learned so much about different types of essays and the correct format for each of them, which I believe will be extremely useful in the future. I'm also very excited to be doing Chemistry as well as British Literature next year."